0 ,'01' => 0 ,'02' => 0 ,'03' => 0 ,'04' => 0 ,'05' => 0 ,'06' => 0 ,'07' => 0 ,'08' => 0 ,'09' => 0 ,'10' => 0 ,'11' => 0 ,'12' => 0 ,'13' => 0 ,'14' => 0 ,'15' => 0 ,'16' => 0 ,'17' => 0 ,'18' => 0 ,'19' => 0 ,'20' => 0 ,'21' => 0 ,'22' => 0 ,'23' => 0); $ads_array = $array; $date_type = 'H'; $pt->cat_type = 'today'; $pt->chart_title = 'Today'; $pt->chart_text = date("l"); } elseif ($type == 'this_week') { $time = strtotime(date('l').", ".date('M')." ".date('d').", ".date('Y')); if (date('l') == 'Saturday') { $start = strtotime(date('M')." ".date('d').", ".date('Y')." 12:00am"); } else{ $start = strtotime('last saturday, 12:00am', $time); } if (date('l') == 'Friday') { $end = strtotime(date('M')." ".date('d').", ".date('Y')." 11:59pm"); } else{ $end = strtotime('next Friday, 11:59pm', $time); } $array = array('Saturday' => 0 , 'Sunday' => 0 , 'Monday' => 0 , 'Tuesday' => 0 , 'Wednesday' => 0 , 'Thursday' => 0 , 'Friday' => 0); $ads_array = $array; $date_type = 'l'; $pt->cat_type = 'this_week'; $pt->chart_title = 'This Week'; $pt->chart_text = date('y/M/d',$start)." To ".date('y/M/d',$end); } elseif ($type == 'this_month') { $start = strtotime("1 ".date('M')." ".date('Y')." 12:00am"); $end = strtotime(cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m'), date('Y'))." ".date('M')." ".date('Y')." 11:59pm"); if (cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m'), date('Y')) == 31) { $array = array('01' => 0 ,'02' => 0 ,'03' => 0 ,'04' => 0 ,'05' => 0 ,'06' => 0 ,'07' => 0 ,'08' => 0 ,'09' => 0 ,'10' => 0 ,'11' => 0 ,'12' => 0 ,'13' => 0 ,'14' => 0 ,'15' => 0 ,'16' => 0 ,'17' => 0 ,'18' => 0 ,'19' => 0 ,'20' => 0 ,'21' => 0 ,'22' => 0 ,'23' => 0,'24' => 0 ,'25' => 0 ,'26' => 0 ,'27' => 0 ,'28' => 0 ,'29' => 0 ,'30' => 0 ,'31' => 0); }elseif (cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m'), date('Y')) == 30) { $array = array('01' => 0 ,'02' => 0 ,'03' => 0 ,'04' => 0 ,'05' => 0 ,'06' => 0 ,'07' => 0 ,'08' => 0 ,'09' => 0 ,'10' => 0 ,'11' => 0 ,'12' => 0 ,'13' => 0 ,'14' => 0 ,'15' => 0 ,'16' => 0 ,'17' => 0 ,'18' => 0 ,'19' => 0 ,'20' => 0 ,'21' => 0 ,'22' => 0 ,'23' => 0,'24' => 0 ,'25' => 0 ,'26' => 0 ,'27' => 0 ,'28' => 0 ,'29' => 0 ,'30' => 0); }elseif (cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m'), date('Y')) == 29) { $array = array('01' => 0 ,'02' => 0 ,'03' => 0 ,'04' => 0 ,'05' => 0 ,'06' => 0 ,'07' => 0 ,'08' => 0 ,'09' => 0 ,'10' => 0 ,'11' => 0 ,'12' => 0 ,'13' => 0 ,'14' => 0 ,'15' => 0 ,'16' => 0 ,'17' => 0 ,'18' => 0 ,'19' => 0 ,'20' => 0 ,'21' => 0 ,'22' => 0 ,'23' => 0,'24' => 0 ,'25' => 0 ,'26' => 0 ,'27' => 0 ,'28' => 0 ,'29' => 0); }elseif (cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m'), date('Y')) == 28) { $array = array('01' => 0 ,'02' => 0 ,'03' => 0 ,'04' => 0 ,'05' => 0 ,'06' => 0 ,'07' => 0 ,'08' => 0 ,'09' => 0 ,'10' => 0 ,'11' => 0 ,'12' => 0 ,'13' => 0 ,'14' => 0 ,'15' => 0 ,'16' => 0 ,'17' => 0 ,'18' => 0 ,'19' => 0 ,'20' => 0 ,'21' => 0 ,'22' => 0 ,'23' => 0,'24' => 0 ,'25' => 0 ,'26' => 0 ,'27' => 0 ,'28' => 0); } $ads_array = $array; $pt->month_days = count($array); $date_type = 'd'; $pt->cat_type = 'this_month'; $pt->chart_title = 'This Month'; $pt->chart_text = date("M"); } elseif ($type == 'this_year') { $start = strtotime("1 January ".date('Y')." 12:00am"); $end = strtotime("31 December ".date('Y')." 11:59pm"); $array = array('01' => 0 ,'02' => 0 ,'03' => 0 ,'04' => 0 ,'05' => 0 ,'06' => 0 ,'07' => 0 ,'08' => 0 ,'09' => 0 ,'10' => 0 ,'11' => 0 ,'12' => 0); $ads_array = $array; $date_type = 'm'; $pt->cat_type = 'this_year'; $pt->chart_title = 'This Year'; $pt->chart_text = date("Y"); } $subscribe_array = $array; $day_net = 0; $trans = $db->orderBy('id','DESC')->get(T_VIDEOS_TRSNS); $total_earn = 0; $commission = 0; $total_with_commission = 0; if (!empty($trans)) { foreach ($trans as $tr) { if ($tr->type != 'subscribe' && !empty($tr->video_id)) { $video = PT_GetVideoByID($tr->video_id, 0, 0, 2); } else{ $video = array(); } $user_data = PT_UserData($tr->paid_id); $currency = ""; $admin_currency = ""; $net = 0; if (in_array($tr->currency, $pt->config->currency_array)) { $currency = !empty($pt->config->currency_symbol_array[$tr->currency]) ? $pt->config->currency_symbol_array[$tr->currency] : '$'; $admin_currency = $currency.$tr->admin_com; $total_with_commission = $total_with_commission + $tr->amount; if ($tr->admin_com > 0) { $net = $tr->amount - $tr->admin_com; $commission = $commission + $tr->admin_com; } else{ $net = $tr->amount; $commission = $commission; } } elseif (in_array(str_replace('_PERCENT', '', $tr->currency), $pt->config->currency_array)) { $main_currency = str_replace('_PERCENT', '', $tr->currency); $currency = !empty($pt->config->currency_symbol_array[$main_currency]) ? $pt->config->currency_symbol_array[$main_currency] : '$'; $admin_currency = $tr->admin_com."%"; $total_with_commission = $total_with_commission + $tr->amount; if ($tr->admin_com > 0) { $net = $tr->amount - ($tr->admin_com * $tr->amount)/100; $commission = $commission + ($tr->admin_com * $tr->amount)/100; } else{ $net = $tr->amount; $commission = $commission; } } // if ($tr->currency == "USD") { // $currency = "$"; // $admin_currency = "$".$tr->admin_com; // $net = $tr->amount - $tr->admin_com; // $commission = $commission + $tr->admin_com; // $total_with_commission = $total_with_commission + $tr->amount; // } // else if($tr->currency == "EUR"){ // $currency = "€"; // $admin_currency = "€".$tr->admin_com; // $net = $tr->amount - $tr->admin_com; // $commission = $commission + $tr->admin_com; // $total_with_commission = $total_with_commission + $tr->amount; // } // elseif ($tr->currency == "EUR_PERCENT") { // $currency = "€"; // $admin_currency = $tr->admin_com."%"; // $net = $tr->amount - ($tr->admin_com * $tr->amount)/100; // $commission = $commission + (($tr->admin_com * $tr->amount)/100); // $total_with_commission = $total_with_commission + $tr->amount; // } // elseif ($tr->currency == "USD_PERCENT") { // $currency = "$"; // $admin_currency = $tr->admin_com."%"; // $net = $tr->amount - ($tr->admin_com * $tr->amount)/100; // $commission = $commission + (($tr->admin_com * $tr->amount)/100); // $total_with_commission = $total_with_commission + $tr->amount; // } if ($tr->time >= $start && $tr->time <= $end) { $day = date($date_type,$tr->time); if (in_array($day, array_keys($array))) { if ($tr->type == 'subscribe') { $subscribe_array[$day] += $net; } elseif ($tr->type == 'ad'){ $ads_array[$day] += $net; } else{ $array[$day] += $net; } } } $total_earn = $total_earn + (float)$net; // if (!empty($video) && !empty($user_data)) { // $info = array( // 'ID' => $tr->id, // 'PAID_USER' => substr($user_data->name, 0,20), // 'PAID_URL' => $user_data->url, // 'USER_NAME' => $user_data->username, // 'VIDEO_NAME' => substr($video->title, 0,20) , // 'VIDEO_URL' => $video->url, // 'VIDEO_ID_' => PT_Slug($video->title, $video->video_id), // 'AMOUNT' => $tr->amount, // "CURRENCY" => $currency, // "A_CURRENCY" => $admin_currency, // "NET" => $net, // "TIME" => PT_Time_Elapsed_String($tr->time) // ); // } } } $currency = !empty($pt->config->currency_symbol_array[$pt->config->payment_currency]) ? $pt->config->currency_symbol_array[$pt->config->payment_currency] : '$'; $total_earn = $total_earn; $pt->array = implode(', ', $array); // Sold Today $day_start = strtotime(date('M')." ".date('d').", ".date('Y')." 12:00am"); $day_end = strtotime(date('M')." ".date('d').", ".date('Y')." 11:59pm"); $this_day_video_earn = $db->rawQuery("SELECT * FROM ".T_VIDEOS_TRSNS." c WHERE `time` >= ".$day_start." AND `time` <= ".$day_end); foreach ($this_day_video_earn as $tr) { if (in_array($tr->currency, $pt->config->currency_array)) { $day_net = $day_net + ($tr->amount - $tr->admin_com); } elseif (in_array(str_replace('_PERCENT', '', $tr->currency), $pt->config->currency_array)) { if ($tr->admin_com > 0) { $day_net = $day_net + ($tr->amount - ($tr->admin_com * $tr->amount)/100); } else{ $day_net = $day_net + $tr->amount; } } // if ($tr->currency == "USD") { // $day_net = $day_net + ($tr->amount - $tr->admin_com); // } // else if($tr->currency == "EUR"){ // $day_net = $day_net + ($tr->amount - $tr->admin_com); // } // elseif ($tr->currency == "EUR_PERCENT") { // $day_net = $day_net + ($tr->amount - ($tr->admin_com * $tr->amount)/100); // } // elseif ($tr->currency == "USD_PERCENT") { // $day_net = $day_net + ($tr->amount - ($tr->admin_com * $tr->amount)/100); // } } $today_earn = $day_net ; // Sold Today // Sold This Month $month_start = strtotime("1 ".date('M')." ".date('Y')." 12:00am"); $month_end = strtotime(cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m'), date('Y'))." ".date('M')." ".date('Y')." 11:59pm"); $this_month_video_earn = $db->rawQuery("SELECT * FROM ".T_VIDEOS_TRSNS." c WHERE `time` >= ".$month_start." AND `time` <= ".$month_end); $month_net = 0; foreach ($this_month_video_earn as $tr) { if (in_array($tr->currency, $pt->config->currency_array)) { $month_net = $month_net + ($tr->amount - $tr->admin_com); } elseif (in_array(str_replace('_PERCENT', '', $tr->currency), $pt->config->currency_array)) { $month_net = $month_net + ($tr->amount - ($tr->admin_com * $tr->amount)/100); } // if ($tr->currency == "USD") { // $month_net = $month_net + ($tr->amount - $tr->admin_com); // } // else if($tr->currency == "EUR"){ // $month_net = $month_net + ($tr->amount - $tr->admin_com); // } // elseif ($tr->currency == "EUR_PERCENT") { // $month_net = $month_net + ($tr->amount - ($tr->admin_com * $tr->amount)/100); // } // elseif ($tr->currency == "USD_PERCENT") { // $month_net = $month_net + ($tr->amount - ($tr->admin_com * $tr->amount)/100); // } } $month_earn = $month_net ; // Sold This Month // Sold This Year $year_start = strtotime("1 January ".date('Y')." 12:00am"); $year_end = strtotime("31 December ".date('Y')." 11:59pm"); $this_year_video_earn = $db->rawQuery("SELECT * FROM ".T_VIDEOS_TRSNS." c WHERE `time` >= ".$month_start." AND `time` <= ".$month_end); $year_net = 0; foreach ($this_year_video_earn as $tr) { if (in_array($tr->currency, $pt->config->currency_array)) { $year_net = $year_net + ($tr->amount - $tr->admin_com); } elseif (in_array(str_replace('_PERCENT', '', $tr->currency), $pt->config->currency_array)) { $year_net = $year_net + ($tr->amount - ($tr->admin_com * $tr->amount)/100); } // if ($tr->currency == "USD") { // $year_net = $year_net + ($tr->amount - $tr->admin_com); // } // else if($tr->currency == "EUR"){ // $year_net = $year_net + ($tr->amount - $tr->admin_com); // } // elseif ($tr->currency == "EUR_PERCENT") { // $year_net = $year_net + ($tr->amount - ($tr->admin_com * $tr->amount)/100); // } // elseif ($tr->currency == "USD_PERCENT") { // $year_net = $year_net + ($tr->amount - ($tr->admin_com * $tr->amount)/100); // } } $year_earn = $year_net ; // Sold This Year $pt->subscribe_array = implode(', ', $subscribe_array); $pt->ads_array = implode(', ', $ads_array); $total_with_commission = number_shorten($total_with_commission); $total_earn = number_shorten($total_earn); $commission = number_shorten($commission); $today_earn = number_shorten($today_earn); $month_earn = number_shorten($month_earn); $year_earn = number_shorten($year_earn); ?>