config->ffmpeg = is_executable($pt->config->ffmpeg_binary_file); function isEnabled($func) { return is_callable($func) && false === stripos(ini_get('disable_functions'), $func); } $enabled = true; if (!isEnabled('shell_exec')) { $enabled = false; } ?>

General Settings

Main Settings
config->upload_system == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->upload_system == 'off') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->import_system == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->import_system == 'off') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->resize_video == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->resize_video == 'off') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->autoplay_system == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->autoplay_system == 'off') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->embed_system == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->embed_system == 'off') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->history_system == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->history_system == 'off') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->article_system == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->article_system == 'off') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->download_videos == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->download_videos == 'off') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->facebook_import == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->facebook_import == 'off') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->ok_import == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->ok_import == 'off') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->twitch_import == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->twitch_import == 'off') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->donate_system == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->donate_system == 'off') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->approve_videos == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->approve_videos == 'off') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->two_factor_setting == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->two_factor_setting == 'off') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->popular_channels == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->popular_channels == 'off') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->geo_blocking == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->geo_blocking == 'off') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->all_create_articles == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->all_create_articles == 'off') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->movies_videos == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->movies_videos == 'off') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->block_system == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->block_system == 'off') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->pop_up_18 == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->pop_up_18 == 'off') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->lang_modal == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->lang_modal == 'off') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->report_copyright == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->report_copyright == 'off') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->require_login == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->require_login == 'off') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->who_upload == 'all') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->who_upload == 'admin') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->playlist_subscribe == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->playlist_subscribe == 'off') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->require_subcription == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->require_subcription == 'off') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->post_system == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->post_system == 'off') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->show_articles == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->show_articles == 'off') ? 'checked': '';?>>
{{LANG choose_which_categories}}
config->sticky_video == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->sticky_video == 'off') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->pro_google == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->pro_google == 'off') ? 'checked': '';?>>
User Settings
API Settings
config->twitch_import == 'on' && empty($pt->config->twitch_api)) { ?>
Note: please put your Twitch Client Id to start import videos from Twitch.
Server Settings
config->server == 'nodejs') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->server == 'ajax') ? 'checked': '';?>>
How to run and install Nodejs/forever/npm on your server?

Comment Settings
config->comment_system == 'both') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->comment_system == 'default') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->comment_system == 'fb') ? 'checked': '';?>>

Paid Subscribers Settings
config->payed_subscribers == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->payed_subscribers == 'off') ? 'checked': '';?>>