Important: You can't enable two storages at the same time, if you enable FTP, amazon s3 will be automatically disabled, same for amazon s3.

Amazon S3 & FTP Settings

Configure Amazon S3
config->server == 'nodejs') { ?>
config->server == 'nodejs') ? "Note: If you are using node.js as messaging system, please restart your node.js (./nodejs/server.js) application after saving the changes." : '';?>

Enable Amazon Storage to store your files in Amazon S3.
config->s3_upload == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>

Your Amazon S3 Bucket Name

Your Amazon Key from AWS credentials

Your Amazon Secret from AWS credentials

Your Amazon's S3 Region

Before enabling Amazon S3, make sure you upload the whole "upload/" folder to your bucket.

Before disabling Amazon S3, make sure you download the whole "upload/" folder to your server.

We recommend to upload the folder and files via S3cmd.

If your site is still brand new, you can escape the upload step, but make sure to click on "Test Connection".
Digitalocean Spaces Configuration

Enable Digitalocean Storage to store your files in Digitalocean Spaces.
config->spaces == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>

Your Digitalocean Space Bucket name.

Your Digitalocean Space credentials key.

Your Digitalocean Space credentials secret key.

Your Digitalocean's S3 Region

Before enabling Digitalocean, make sure you upload the whole "upload/" folder to your bucket.

Before disabling Digitalocean, make sure you download the whole "upload/" folder to your server.

If your site is still brand new, you can escape the upload step, but make sure to click on "Test Connection".
FTP Settings
You can upload files directly from your server to another FTP server and load them from there.
Impotant: This may slow down your site's upload/delete speed, make sure to use fast FTP server.

Enable FTP Storage to store your files in your own FTP server.
config->ftp_upload == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>

Your FTP hostname, could be IP or domain name.

Your FTP account's username.

Your FTP account's password.

Your FTP server's port.

The path to /upload files.

IP or domain where the FTP server is pointed to, example:

Before enabling FTP, make sure you upload the whole "upload/" folder to your FTP server.

Before disabling FTP, make sure you download the whole "upload/" folder to your server.

If your site is still brand new, you can escape the upload step, but make sure to click on "Test Connection".