Website Information

Website Information
Your website general title, it will appear on Google and on your browser tab.

Your website name, it will appear on website's footer and E-mails.

Your website's keyword, used mostly for SEO and search engines.

Your website's description, used mostly for SEO and search engines, Max of 100 characters is recommended
Features API Keys & Information
Point System Settings

Gives the ability for users to earn points from liking, sharing, commenting and posting.
config->point_level_system == '1') ? 'checked': '';?>>

Allow users to transfer earned points into money and withdrawal.
config->point_allow_withdrawal == '1') ? 'checked': '';?>>

How much does 1 dollar equal in points?

How many points does a user earn by creating comments?

How many points does a user earn by liking videos?

How many points does a user earn by disliking videos?

How many points does a user earn by wondering videos?

How many points does a user earn by uploading videos?

How many points can a free user earn in a day?

How many points can a pro user earn in a day?