'testS3', 'digitalocean' => 'test_spaces', 'backblaze' => 'test_backblaze', 'wasabi' => 'test_wasabi']; if(empty($_GET['storage'])) { header("Location: " . PT_Link('admin-cp')); exit(); } if (!in_array($_GET['storage'], $storages)) { header("Location: " . PT_Link('admin-cp')); exit(); } $files = filterFiles(getDirContents('upload'), $_GET["storage"]); if ($_GET['storage'] == 'amazon') { if ($pt->config->s3_upload == "off") { $error = "Amazon is disabled or not configured, please configure it first."; } } if ($_GET['storage'] == 'wasabi') { if ($pt->config->wasabi_storage == "off") { $error = "Wasabi is disabled or not configured, please configure it first."; } } if ($_GET['storage'] == 'backblaze') { if ($pt->config->backblaze_storage == "off") { $error = "Backblaze is disabled or not configured, please configure it first."; } } if ($_GET['storage'] == 'digitalocean') { if ($pt->config->spaces == "off") { $error = "digitalocean is disabled or not configured, please configure it first."; } } ?>

Upload Files To

Upload Files To
This feature is used to upload files from server to cloud only if you have videos and images on the server and moved to cloud storage, ignore this step if you are using a fresh installation.
Important! Don't close this tab until the upload is finished.
Total files found: media files.
    0) { ?>Click Start to upload files from server to No files found to upload.
0) { ?>