config->ffmpeg = is_executable($pt->config->ffmpeg_binary_file); function isEnabled($func) { return is_callable($func) && false === stripos(ini_get('disable_functions'), $func); } $enabled = true; if (!isEnabled('shell_exec')) { $enabled = false; } ?>

Import & Upload Configuration

Upload & File Sharing Configuration

Allow users to upload videos to your site.
config->upload_system == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>

config->upload_system_type == 1){ ?> class="hidden" >
Set the allowed disk size and limit for "All Users"

Set the max upload size, applied to all users, pro & free.

The chunk limit should not exceed the server upload limit.

Choose if only admin can upload videos or all users.
In case you want to use YouTube Shorts or TikTok import feature, you need to create an account in Rapid API and subscribe to these libraries TikTok , YouTube Shorts.
Import Configuration

Allow users to import videos to your site.
config->import_system == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>

Allow users to import YouTube Short Videos to your site.
config->youtube_short == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>

Your YouTube API key

The API key from RapidAPI used to import YouTube shorts and TikTok videos.

Import videos from
config->ok_import == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>

Import videos from Facebook
config->facebook_import == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
Your Facebook Application Client ID
Your Facebook Application Client Secret

Import videos from Instagram
config->instagram_import == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>

Import videos from Twitch
config->twitch_import == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>

Your Twitch Client Id

Import videos from TikTok
config->tiktok_import == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>

Import m3u8 videos
config->m3u8_import == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>

Allow users to embed videos to your site.
config->embed_videos == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>

Review the embeded video by admin before publishing.
config->review_embed_videos == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
FFMPEG Configuration

This system will compress, convert, and optimzise videos to mp4.
This system require "ffmpeg" to be installed in your server.
config->ffmpeg_system == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>

config->ffmpeg): ?> Example: Linux(/usr/bin/ffmpeg) or Windows(C:\\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe)

How many videos can be converted at the same time? Leave 0 for unlimited. If you set max allowed processes, make sure you have added cronjob.php to your server's cronjob, that should run once every 5 minutes.

config->ffmpeg && $enabled == true): ?>
This affect the encoding speed. Using a slower preset gives you better compression, or quality per filesize, whereas faster presets give you worse compression and higher filesize.

config->p360 == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->p480 == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->p720 == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->p1080 == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->p2048 == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>
config->p4096 == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>

Create gifs from videos, activated on hovering.
config->gif_system == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>

Info: For more information on how to setup FFMPEG, please visit our Documentation page.

shell_exec() has been disabled for security reasons, please contact your host provider to enable it. shell_exec is required to enable this system.

This feature will test the FFMPEG Configuration and make sure the system is working fine.

Storage & CDN Configuration

Important: You can't enable two or three storages at the same time, if you enable FTP, amazon s3 will be automatically disabled, same for amazon s3, Digitalocean and Google.
Info: For more information on how to setup third party storage, please visit our Documentation page.
Configure Amazon S3
config->server == 'nodejs') { ?>
config->server == 'nodejs') ? "Note: If you are using node.js as messaging system, please restart your node.js (./nodejs/server.js) application after saving the changes." : '';?>

Enable Amazon Storage to store your files in Amazon S3.
config->s3_upload == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>

Your Amazon S3 Bucket Name

Your Amazon Key from AWS credentials

Your Amazon Secret from AWS credentials

Your Amazon custom domain name, e.g:

Your Amazon's S3 Region

Before enabling Amazon S3, make sure you upload the whole "upload/" folder to your bucket.

Before disabling Amazon S3, make sure you download the whole "upload/" folder to your server.

If your site is still brand new, you can escape the upload step, but make sure to click on "Test Connection".
Upload Files To Amazon
Digitalocean Spaces Configuration

Enable Digitalocean Storage to store your files in Digitalocean Spaces.
config->spaces == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>

Your Digitalocean Space Bucket name.

Your Digitalocean Space credentials key.

Your Digitalocean Space credentials secret key.

Your Digitalocean custom domain name, e.g:

Your Digitalocean's S3 Region

Before enabling Digitalocean, make sure you upload the whole "upload/" folder to your bucket.

Before disabling Digitalocean, make sure you download the whole "upload/" folder to your server.

If your site is still brand new, you can escape the upload step, but make sure to click on "Test Connection".
Upload Files To Digitalocean
Backblaze Configuration

Enable Backblaze Storage to store your files in Backblaze Spaces.
config->backblaze_storage == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>

Your Backblaze Bucket ID.

Your Backblaze Bucket Name.

Your Backblaze Bucket Region.

Your Backblaze Access Key ID.

Your Backblaze Access Key.

Your BackBlaze custom domain name, e.g:

Before enabling Backblaze, make sure you upload the whole "upload/" folder to your bucket.

Before disabling Backblaze, make sure you download the whole "upload/" folder to your server.

Upload Files To BackBlaze
FTP Settings
You can upload files directly from your server to another FTP server and load them from there.
Impotant: This may slow down your site's upload/delete speed, make sure to use fast FTP server.

Enable FTP Storage to store your files in your own FTP server.
config->ftp_upload == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>

Your FTP hostname, could be IP or domain name.

Your FTP account's username.

Your FTP account's password.

Your FTP server's port.

The path to /upload files.

IP or domain where the FTP server is pointed to, example:

Before enabling FTP, make sure you upload the whole "upload/" folder to your FTP server.

Before disabling FTP, make sure you download the whole "upload/" folder to your server.

If your site is still brand new, you can escape the upload step, but make sure to click on "Test Connection".
Wasabi Configuration
Please note that if your account is in trial mode, the files will be uploaded but not loaded, you need to have billing actiivated.

Enable Wasabi Storage to store your files in Wasabi Spaces.
config->wasabi_storage == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>

Your Wasabi Bucket Name.

Your Wasabi Access Key.

Your Wasabi Secret Key.

Your Wasabi custom domain name, e.g:

Before enabling Wasabi, make sure you upload the whole "upload/" folder to your bucket.

Before disabling Wasabi, make sure you download the whole "upload/" folder to your server.

Upload Files To Wasabi
Google Cloud Settings

Enable Google Cloud Storage to store your files in Google Cloud.
config->cloud_upload == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>

Your Google Cloud Bucket Name.
Should be a JSON file.
Path to your Google Cloud File in your server.
Your Google Cloud custom domain name, e.g:
Make sure you upload the whole "upload/" folder to your bucket.

Make sure to keep (Google Cloud File) on your server. in Google Cloud File Path (config->cloud_file_path ?>)
Yandex Configuration

Enable Yandex Storage to store your files in Yandex.
config->yandex_storage == 'on') ? 'checked': '';?>>

Your Yandex Bucket name.

Your Yandex credentials key.

Your Yandex credentials secret key.

Your Yandex's S3 Region

Before enabling Yandex, make sure you upload the whole "upload/" folder to your bucket.

Before disabling Yandex, make sure you download the whole "upload/" folder to your server.

If your site is still brand new, you can escape the upload step, but make sure to click on "Test Connection".
Upload Files To Yandex